Portfolio for 2004 year

LDM-GB 2.16 WF

December 2004

Game machine board with sound system (in is possible to connect Super-Bonus board LDM-SB 1.06).


LDM-MP 2.04

May 2004

Development Kit LDM-MP 2.04 is for quick ideas implementation with ATMEL microcontrollers ATmega8535 (ATmega16, ATmega32).
Without precircuit.
This circuit board is equipped wilth RS 232 interface. Programming is carried out via COM-port.


LDM-MP 2.01

May 2004

Development Kit LDM-MP 2.01 is for quick ideas implementation with ATMEL microcontrollers ATmega8535 (ATmega16, ATmega32).
With precircuit.
This circuit board is equipped wilth RS 232 interface. Programming is carried out via COM-port.


LDM-GB 2.16

January 2004

Game machine board with sound system.


LDM-GB 2.08

January 2004

Game machine board (with optional sound system).


LDM-GB 2.04

January 2004

Game machine board (with sound system up to 5W).


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