2010 year
Promotional automatic machine. It consists of a bar code scanner with a lottery sampling bonus technique gift selection. The result is displayed on a indicator board and also printed as a receipt.
Stepping motor controller with 1/2 step (driver L297 + L298)
Stepping motor controller with 1/8 step (driver DRV8811)
Stepping motor controller with 1/16 step (driver A4983)
Access control board to the automatic machine via SMART-card
SMART-card writer board with USB-port
4-chanel impulse counter
Automatic lift system of metallic balls at the 1.5m height. The unit has 3 IR sensors for determine rotor position, ball presence at capture position and also the fact of capturing.
Industrial MP3 player with file transfer possibility via Bluetooth (from PC or PDA).
Bluetooth transfer software of MP3-files from PC to the Industrial MP3 player.
3D model in AutoCAD 2008 for production a silicone mould form.
Pulse-duration modulation generator (0 Hz - 7 MHz)